The way to calculate chi in Mau Binh is quite simple and easy to do. It can be said that this is a very interesting and highly entertaining game. At the same time, it also creates opportunities for many people to participate in betting. So how is it calculated? Let’s go together Jun88 Nhà cái Find out now through the following article.
Some general characteristics of the gray and gray soldiers eat chi
What is the name of a popular card game in Vietnamese folklore? Various sources show that this game originated from China and was imported to our country a long time ago. Normally when playing games, you will still use a deck of 52 cards.
The table is for a minimum of 2 people and a maximum of 4 people. Each player at the table is dealt 13 cards to arrange and transform into valid cards. Participants will use cards to fight and find the final winner.
Complete instructions on how to calculate chi in Mau Binh
Because it is a betting product to win money, you need to understand the exact calculation method when playing so you can calculate the amount and points yourself. Here is a step-by-step calculation you can use:
Compare spending with players at the table
You compare 3 limbs with your opponent. Listed in order from first to third. If you have three big limbs, you can eat your opponent’s and vice versa. Each person will be able to eat the other’s food and the other person will be able to eat theirs at the same time.
How to calculate what you can win in the game of Xam Xam
To be able to know how to calculate how much money you will win in trade with the current number of points. The specific calculation is shown as follows:
- If you win 2 and lose 1, you will still win 1 in the end.
- If you eat all 3, the result will be counted as eating 6 limbs.
If the whole village is eaten, the amount received at each house will increase 4 times, equivalent to 36 chi.
How to calculate chi in trade war on Ace
Unlike other card games, the card with the highest value in gray chess is card A. If you have card A in your hand, you should prioritize placing it in the top position to avoid the situation of lying. . There is also a difference in the calculation of chi in the trade for card A. The number of chi that can be captured with this card depends on the adjacent connection.
- In case of owning pair A, the player’s score in the game increases to 4.
- If there is A at the beginning, the number of points you can win is 12.
- In case you have four of A’s, you will be considered to have won 16 of them.
- If there is a box to destroy the upper lobby, you will receive an additional 10.
- If there is a box to destroy the hall, the player’s score will now increase by 7.
- If you do not have an A card, you will accept to be minus 4.
Special cases in gray soldiers eat chi
Besides experiencing and understanding how to calculate chi in Mau Binh. You should also know that this game will still arise many situations that require special attention. There are some specific cases you need to understand:
The case of eating specific chi in Mau Binh
Below are some calculation methods as well as expenses in special cases. Specifically:
- The player with four A’s in hand at the end of the hand will win 4 in each house. If quadrant A is in the middle, the total will increase to 8.
- If you have A in the first hand, you will win 3.
- When the player has the last flush, 5 more hands will be added. However, if you place it in the middle, you will now get 2 more.
- If you have a bunch in the middle, you can still win 2 more.
- In case you have three boxes, you will score an additional 6. Brothers with three boxes will also receive an additional 6.
- If the player has 12 cards in one move, you will win 12 more hands. In case the number of cards in a move is 13 but you can still increase it to 26.
- If you have a dragon roll, you can eat an additional 60. In the case of a dragon roll, the number you can eat can be up to 1,000.
How to calculate specific expenses for each house
To better understand how to calculate chi in Mau Binh, below is a detailed analysis of each example:
See :
Example 1: If in a card game, the gray jackpot appears. What will happen is:
- The first house will have 5 pairs.
- Second house common – gray – gray.
At this point, you will encounter the following numbers and calculation methods in Mau Binh: Because the 2nd house wins 5 from beginning to end, the amount earned will double. The points of the 2nd house will receive 10 chi of the 1st house.
Example 2: The betting table has card hands. The case that will appear is:
- The first house has two opposing halls.
- The 2nd house will have a defense box.
- If there is a flood of 1 pair, it will appear in the 3rd house.
- House 4 has two positive pairs.
Above are the latest contents that bookmaker Jun88 wants to send to you How to calculate Chi in Mau Binh. We hope the above information will help you better understand this game, as well as increase your success rate.